Lampung is strategically located and easily accessible, particularly from Jakarta. Bandar Lampung, its capital, was formerly two separate towns, Tanjungkarang and Telukbetung. In the course of development these towns have spread out to one an other to become one single city. Lampung has its own traditions, high valued handicraft and art creations such as woven cloth, interwoven by gold threads called "tapis".Sumatran elephants, tigers and hundreds of species of birds can be watched at the Way Kambas nature reserve. Rafflesia, the biggest flower in the world can be seen when it is blooming at Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, on the southern coastline of Sumatra. The province has a great potential in agriculture, however, its population is small.Agriculture provides the main income to its population, from farming, fishery and plantations. Clove, coffee and coconut grow extensively along the southern coast. While on the eastern part and hinterland they cultivate pepper, coffee, cassava, cocoa and rice, the tobacco growing area is around Lake Ranu in the northern part.t is known that Lampung has been inhabited since prehistoric times. This was proven by the discovery of cultural relics in the form of megalithic sculptures at Kebontebu, Kenali, Pugung and Batubedil. There are historical remains showing that it was under the country's greatest maritime empire Sriwijaya.The influence of Islam is seen from the Tambra Prasasti inscription containing a contract of merchandise supplies between the Kingdoms of Banten and Lampung. Priorto Islam, the inhabitants of Lampung practiced a syncretic Buddhist-Hindu cult.
The capital of Lampung has several interesting places such as the Museum and the Monument of the Krakatau Eruption. Worth while seeing or doing is the weaving process of Tapis textile, art and dance performances or just sunbathing on the beach.
Museum of Lampung
Located at Teuku Umar Street, it can be reached within 15 minutes from the centre of Bandar Lampung. It contains ethnographic and archaeological collections, Chinese ceramics, traditional music instruments, ancient Tapis cloth and ornaments.
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